Riverland Soccer is in the process of collecting a history of the organisation and the clubs that make it up. If you have information to share, stories or photos from years gone by, we would love to see them and share them on our website. Please email them to riverlandsoccer@gmail.com. We are looking forward to your contributions.

Barmera United
Loxton United
Renmark Olympic
Berri River Rangers
RSA would like to inform all of its players and spectators that there are certain behaviours and actions that we, as an organisation, have adopted a zero tolerance stance on. Those behaviours include, but are not limited to, the following:
Aggressive play on the field, that may or may not have the intention to cause serious harm to another individual
Violence or bullying of any kind, on or off the pitch
Swearing, disrespectful or aggressive behaviour directed at RSA Executive Committee members, RSA Officials, Club Officials, Coaches, players or spectators
Destruction of property
Alcohol intoxication or drug use
Violations could lead to sanctions against individuals or clubs, including suspension from games and/or fines.
All clubs have copies of the Rules and Regulations. If you would like to familiarise yourself with these rules and regs, please ask your club for a copy.